Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)

DNS isn’t a technique or a procedure. Rather, it's a rehabilitation system which focuses on the restoration of proper movement, respiration, and joint stability.

“It is an overlooked, and underappreciated concept in the rehabilitation community.”

The brain doesn't think in individual muscles, it thinks in movements. We call this a motor or movement pattern. It’s how you are able to carry a heavy bag at the airport without falling over breathe at the same time. It is an overlooked, and underappreciated concept in the rehabilitation community. While there are neuromuscular principals by which all of our movements must follow, we all develop our own unique movement patterns. If all goes well, our bodies learn to move starting with rolling over as an infant to sprinting as an adult. Think of someone you know who is naturally athletic. Or, someone who is over 60 years old and can still get off the ground without using their hands (go ahead, try it…).

Problems however, occur when an incorrect or faulty movement pattern develops. This will cause an imbalance and muscle tension. This will cause increased loading of joints, ligaments, and tendons. The end result is pain, joint degeneration, and loss of function.

The Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization system evaluates and exposes the movement flaw(s) are contributing to your pain. More importantly, it identifies your furthest "up-stream" problem and gives us the most efficient place to start. From this, you will receive specific exercises and movement strategies to correct your problem. This is not just strengthening or stretching exercises… it’s getting your body to move like it should.

Causes of imbalance and faulty movement patterns:
  • Poor posture – caused by sedentary work environment is a common cause.
  • Injury – An injury can cause an imbalance like a fall or contact sports. Or, because you have a long standing imbalance, you threw your back out while lifting a box off the floor.
  • Surgery – A guaranteed cause of an imbalance from surgical changes and pain avoidance behavior.
  • Deconditioning – This is a nice way of saying your body has gotten weak from inactivity.
An example of faulty movement patterns causing pain:

Hip pain – Patient suffers a grade 2 ankle sprain in college. She does not have it treated or it was poorly treated. This caused a loss in ankle dorsiflexion (bending your foot and ankle upward) and limits hip extension. Poor hip extension causes glute inhibition and then weakness. A hip that does not go into extension regularly, will eventually lead to hip flexor and IT band tightness. This chronic hip flexor tension with glute weakness can cause tendonitis and bursitis. Research citation link here and here.


5200 Park Road, Suite 117 Charlotte, NC 28209





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