Chiropractic Treatments

This is what most people associate chiropractic; The popping the spine commonly called adjustments for the treatment of neck and back pain. Chiropractic has changed lot since its beginnings in the 1890’s… Which also means, it has also changed a lot in its scope of practice and treatments offered.  “Adjustments” and other joint manipulations are still used regularly however, they are used in conjunction with a lot of other therapies. The end result provides more complete treatment plan.

You are no longer simply choosing chiropractic as a form of treatment. You are choosing a doctor and the treatment he or she has developed…

This gives room for a wide variety in how we treat as a profession. Some doctors choose to stay close to our roots, offering only adjustments for treatment. Others operate facilities where they employ medical providers and offer medication and injections. And then, there are some who specialize in nutrition therapy or acupuncture and do not perform any adjustments or therapy at all.

Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

Better described as spine and joint manipulation, chiropractic adjustments can be a powerful tool for pain relief.

  • Reduce pain and muscle spasm
  • Improve joint range of motion
  • Improve

Chiropractic and Treatment Paradigm

Chiropractic education and training is conventional at its core – anatomy, physiology, pathology, radiology, etc. Where we differ is our early exposure to the concept natura medica. Given the time and opportunity, the body has a large capacity to heal. This unique perspective allows us to think more broadly and creatively about your healthcare.

We approach the healing process and treatment as conservatively and minimally invasive as possible. We are always looking for the most minimal interventions first. If we are not meeting treatment goals, we work in conjunction with our medical colleagues to get you in the right direction.


5200 Park Road, Suite 117 Charlotte, NC 28209




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