
ARP stands for Accelerated Recovery Performance. It’s a treatment which combines DC (Direct Current) muscle stimulation with therapeutic exercise. ARPwave treatments have been demonstrated to shorten recovery and treatment time by 60-80%.

What the ARP does:

  • Reduce muscle spasms
  • Reduce pain in tendons, joints, and muscles
  • Improves joint range of motion
  • Improves flexibility
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Increase local blood circulation to speed up the healing process
  • Neuromuscular rehabilitation

How is the ARPwave treatment different?

ARPwave addresses the cause of your pain and injury. It is unlike any treatment you have had before. It is nothing like TENS, interferential stimulation, or ultrasound. It doesn’t just simply reduce pain; it rapidly speeds up the entire recovery process.

Injuries and chronic pain occur when your muscles, ligaments, and tendons are pushed beyond their capacity. Whether it was a sports injury, repetitive injury, or weakness over time… Your body did not have the strength and stability to absorb force properly. Like no other treatment program, the ARPwave treatment identifies the cause in injury and corrects it fast!

Without ARPwave…

Traditional treatment methods for injuries have not changed in decades.

The initial goal older methods are to decrease inflammation by immobilization and/or ice 1st. Once pain and inflammation has decreased, the 2nd next step is to restore joint mobility. The immobilization and pain has caused weakness, so the 3rd step is to increase strength and return to normal activity. By this time more than a few weeks has passed and now a compensation has developed. So the 4th and last phase is directed to correct the compensation.

The last phase is called “avoidance” behavior. Your brain will always find a way around a problem. This will cause abnormal muscle tightness and weakness. Once a compensation pattern has been imprinted your brain, you have in a way, “retrained” yourself to a faulty movement pattern. This is what sets the stage for chronic pain, decreased sports performance, and scar tissue.

With ARPwave…
ARPwave is unique in it treats all phases of rehab at the same time.

The ARPwave system helps identify which muscles are not performing properly. ARP stimmulation in combination with exercise is used to:

  • Stimulate nerve fibers to “reboot the nervous system”
  • Force muscle fibers to contract which rebuilds strength
  • Increase circulation to increase healing of tissue
  • Restore proper joint movement pattern because exercise is being performed at the same time
  • Combining the faulty movement pattern and the unique effects of the ARPwave treats all 4 phases in rehab to be treated simultaneously producing accelerated recovery.

The ARPwave treatment

Treatment is program is broken up into 3 phases. Treatments are active, intense, and will feel like a workout. Each treatment will increase circulation to injured tissue, strengthen muscles, reduce compensation patterns, and provide neuromuscular reeducation. Come dressed for exercise. Most patients develop a sweat during treatment.

Phase I (In-Balance)

This means the brain must communicate with body properly before treatment. Think of it as warming up for exercise. This phase prepares the body for the ARP treatment. The In Balance procedure is done in a variety of ways, depending on our injury. The most common methods use are; spinal manipulation (chiropractic adjustments), joint manipulation, soft tissue manipulation, neuromuscular stretching, or use of the ARP Trainer itself.

Phase II (The ARP Trainer)

Part A (The search and treatment of injured tissue) The ARP Trainer is the device used for treatment. Treatments 1 -4 focus on identifying the primary areas of muscle dysfunction and movement vulnerability. This step searches for and "turns-on" inhibited muscles, decreases inflammation, and restores proper movement. This typically takes 4 treatments with a approximately a 25% reduction in pain per treatment.

Part B (Restore proper movement pattern and increase strength) At this point, pain should be significantly reduced and joint movement is close to normal. This is the work phase. Treatments 5-10 will feel like a workout and you will most likely leave the office a little sweaty. Part B focuses on strengthening and “re-grooving” normal movement patterns.

Phase III (Strengthening)

Just because you are feeling better and moving better, doesn’t mean treatment is finished. If your injury was from trauma like a sports injury, specific exercises may not be necessary. If your pain is chronic or if you had surgery, you will most likely have to continue with functional movement exercises. This phase is just as important as the others for chronic injury. Each condition carries a unique exercise program. If needed, you will be given a series of strength recovery and movement exercises. This phase will be a combination of in-office and at-home exercises. Treatment encounters will depend on the how complicated or how old your injury.

At the end of treatment, you will be stronger and more stable than before your injury!


5200 Park Road, Suite 117 Charlotte, NC 28209




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